Program Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to a Balanced Life - Explore the significance of having a balanced life and get introduced to the 12 elements that bring harmony in life. Explore the principles to live by to attain balance and harmony in life.
Module 2: Defining Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment - Redefine your relationship with happiness, success, and fulfillment, taking ownership of your path and standards.
Module 3: Your Career/Business Life - Gain clarity on your career path, visualize your ideal career and excel in a profession aligned with your potential and passions.
Module 4: Your Financial Life - Understand your relationship with money and finance. Cultivate a healthy relationship with money, set financial goals and create a broad plan to achieve financial abundance.
Module 5: Your Personal Development - Embrace personal and professional growth and development, designing a plan for continuous self-improvement aligned with your career and financial goal.
Module 6: Your Love Life - Explore the true essence of love, understand the five love languages and envision how your ideal relationship really looks like.
Module 7: Your Family Life - Design your ideal family life, fostering deeper connections and nurturing a harmonious family environment.
Module 8: Your Social Life - Draw your ideal social life map, understand what your really want from your social network and work towards nurturing meaningful connections and creating a supportive social network.
Module 9: Your Personal Life & Wellbeing - Prioritize your physical health, make a list of for creativity and passion projects, fun, adventure, and define a self-care routine, fostering a life filled with joy, vitality, and balance.
Module 10: Your Spiritual Life - Deepen your connection with the higher being, exploring spirituality and inner peace.
Module 11: Defining Your Life Purpose - Uncover your life's purpose, identify your strengths, and draft your greatest life vision statement.
Module 12: Social Contribution - Discover meaningful ways to give back to society, making a positive impact on the world around you.
Module 13: Designing A Balanced Life - Integrate all aspects of your life into a balanced and fulfilling whole, designing your ideal next month including weekdays and weekends.
Why I Made This Program?
My journey to finding balance in life has been a long and winding road. Starting my career in finance at a Big 4 firm, I was quickly swallowed up by a work culture where the "third half" of the day began at 5 p.m., and leaving the office on time was looked down upon. The weekends, meant to be a respite, were instead filled with obligations to family and friends, leaving no room for self-care or personal growth. Passion projects and dreams were placed on a perpetual back burner. I was overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. I would always feel that I was over committed but with all the wrong things that I never liked doing in the first place.
Work life balance was a dream until I left EY that I had the chance to pause and reflect. I began to ask myself the bigger questions: Who am I? What am I doing here? What does it mean to be truly human? Do we live to work or work to live? I realized that I had been doing the latter and decided then and there that my work would no longer define my life. Instead, it would become just one important part of a larger, richer existence.
As I explored the world, I was exposed to new ideas and experiences that expanded my understanding of what life could be. I discovered that there is so much more to life than just climbing the corporate ladder and realized that I had been missing out on the beauty and diversity of the world around me. I learnt that slowing down in life is what makes life beautiful because i had more time to absorb the beauty. I had a fear of being judged to choose a simpler life but I did it in anycase and i have no regrets about it.
I created "A Quest for A Balanced Life" to share these insights with you. I want to inspire you to understand the broad principles of a balanced life and, more importantly, to design your life vision around ten essential life elements. This program is my way of helping you find the balance that eluded me for so long, guiding you to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Let's Connect!
Don't hesitate to drop us a line if you'd like to learn more or discuss a personalized group program which are offered for upto 40% discount.
We're here to help and would love to hear from you to see how you would like to change this program to suit your needs!